我们如何帮助您获得 最佳网络。
You're setting up a new Office, a new warehouse or production plant. You need a fast, 稳定的网络,良好的 WiFi 覆盖, 闭路电视监控 和 门禁控制 系统。
多年来,我们一直在为 100 多家公司部署此类项目,并且知道如何 按时, 按预算完成并 通过质量认证.
Wi-Fi Coverage & Security
我们所有的无线网络工作都经过 Ekahau® 认证。
But now, the cost of delayed maintenance gets heavy. It's hard to track down issues, difficult to add equipment, you just need order.
We get it, you're not alone, and we can help.
我们所有的布线工作都是 Fluke® 认证。
CCTV & Door Access Control
Your network isn't just computers. Physical security is just as important as Digital, and you need to control access to your premises.
我们帮助您 在覆盖范围,数据保留,访问控制,考勤记录方面定义您的需求。
我们的 IT 室一团糟。你能提供帮助吗?
But we're not in Shanghai or Guangzhou...
Tell Us What You Need.
Plenty of Ways to Reach Us.
Our headquarters are based in the Heart of Shanghai, near People Square.
Tell Us What You Need.
Plenty of Ways to Reach Us.
Our headquarters are based in the Heart of Shanghai, near People Square.